i thought i would create a blog about my newest "tool" in losing weight! a little history......married for 91/2 yrs, mom of 6 kids ages 15mo to 7 yrs (yes, i had 6 kids in 6 yrs---last 2 were twins!) and i decided to challenge myself to lose all of this baby weight that i gained over the past 7 yrs and get back down close to what i was before all of this...........by my 35 birthday, which is june 2! i am 5'11"! i have been dieting on and off since i started having kids....i have done LA weight lose and most recently medifast. both have worked wonderfully! in the month of january on medifast i lost 16 pounds!!! i was thrilled! anyway............enough about all of that!
so, my sister called one day in january and told me about a couple of her girlfriends who were doing this hcg diet.....one is doing the injections and the other is doing homeopathic oral drops. she gave me a website to look at (http://www.hcgmadesimple.com/) and wanted to know my thoughts. i checked it out and then went back to my old resolve that what i am doing is good and i will keep on the same track. not 2 days later, a couple of my girlfriends told me about another friend who had done this hcg diet and they were going to talk to her and see her photos and see what the diet was all about and invited me to go along............how ironic. so we 3 went to see what this was all about................needless to say, she sparked an interest!
i obsessed over trying to figure out if i should try this or keep going with my medifast. i sat on the computer for hours, reading other peoples blogs, looking at hcg websites, and constant phone calls with my friends and my sister! i made the decision..........i was going to try it........23 days, what can it hurt! thank goodness i made the first decision and now the second one was which form of hcg to try.............injections, sublingual, or topical all raw hcg -or- homeopathic hcg. my girlfriends decided to do the raw hcg and mix it and inject it. i was a little nervous about where the hcg was coming from and how to mix it so i decided to try out the homeopathic version. now for the diet!!
i ordered the recommended books
*hcg weight lose cure guide by linda prinster
(considered the "bible" of this diet)
*my hcg tracker by tiffany prinster
(for me to keep track a little better-- note
there is a daily tracker worksheet in the
weight lose cure guide)
*101-worry free hcg diet recipes
(you can also find recipes on line)
*pocket guide to the hcg protocol
(smaller version of the weight lose cure guide)
i ordered the homeopathic hcg
and i bought the necessary "gear"
*george foreman grill
*a mail scale (to weigh food)
*small cup and syringe
*stevia (all natural suger)
i went to the grocery and loaded up on all of the food that we will need. i weighed it all out to the right proportions and then bagged it all and put it in the fridge and freezer ready for us to pull out and fix.
next step pictures and measurements..........do i dare show?
I am so truly honored to be a part of this...
11 years ago
Way to GO !!!! I love doing it together !